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Writer's picture Rosaline Kaye

Peace, Yellow Garden Spider, Good Food and More - Tuesday August 29

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

~ John 14:26-27

Honey, do not let your beautiful mind become a battlefield. Just because someone has shown you their weapons does not mean you have to accept the war. Those who try to break you are expecting you to be in

fight mode. Conquer them with your peace.

~ Della Hills-Wilson

In observing myself I find it interesting to see how often I allow other people's lack of peace to destroy my own. It's silly really. To know Whose I am and and to know He calls me daughter is enough. To know that He leads me in paths of peace and that no weapon formed against me will prosper is all I need to know.

We ate some good food today. I've been trying new recipes lately and the Swedish Meatball Pasta Bake and Secret Ingredient Fruit Salad were on the menu for dinner this evening. Both recipes were keepers although I may make some adjustments in seasonings in the Pasta Bake.

There's a big Yellow Garden Spider at the top of chicken coop and the kids were fascinated! It's too high for them reach and we talked a lot not touching spiders but it's lots of fun to look at.

Michael and Savannah cut a big bowl of chicory for me today. I was hoping to get it in the dehydrator this afternoon but ran out of time so it's in a bag on the refrigerator waiting for tomorrow.

And now, with all the fun we had today here's a fun thought to end the day with.

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every day.

~ Walt Disney

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