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How Gracious and Gentle He Is - Monday June 12

My people, what have I done to you?

How have I burdened you? Answer me.

I brought you up out of Egypt

and redeemed you out of slavery.

I sent Moses to lead you

also Aaron and Miriam.

My people, remember

what Balaak king of Moab plotted

and what Balaam son of Beor answered.

Remember your journey from Shittim to Gilgal

that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.

~ Micah 6:3-5, 8

Yesterday I struggled a little, I cried a few times and I allowed myself to feel very discouraged. Today these verses have me thinking of all the ways I've been blessed and how often I forget how gracious and gentle He is in His requests in return. Today I am able to rest again in the knowledge that He has my future and the future of those I love in His very loving and capable hands. And I am so very grateful!

Today was mostly overcast with a few sprinkles of rain and even occasional very light showers but we still had plenty of outside time.

It's fun to watch relationships and friendships develop and flourish.

I think we ate pretty good today.

It made smile today to see Chicory blooming. Chicory has a high nutritional value and also provides a good dose of fiber in each serving. The leaves, roots and flowers are all edible.

Michael and Gibs (his tiny gray kitten) planted another row in the garden for me this morning.

This kitten is sleeping soundly with knowledge that he ran a much bigger and more established cat out of the favored sleeping spot on the bed. The big cat was chased off to sleep alone in a chair while this little tyrant named Scout snuggled close to me.

We had a wonderful time with family yesterday at my brother and sister-in-law's house. It was a long (but not long enough) relaxing evening just being together and enjoying life. I love the way we do life together.

And I'm still enjoying the Mildred Budge books with Miss Budge's daily adventures and insights.

. . .and she did know the secret to eternal life after all. The Great Commission commanded people to go forth and proclaim that eternal life was in Jesus, in who she had found her life and breath and being. Jesus was a threshold to eternal life that you crossed over by saying His name. Before you said it in faith, you had lived in the world that the senses took note of; but afterwards, you inherited a vast array of sensors that saw so much more. The universe opened up on the name of Jesus. Eternal life began, and one lived in the new dimension of Jesus Saves.

pg. 261

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