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Writer's picture Rosaline Kaye

Unchained for His Work

But the Word of God cannot be chained.

~2 Timothy 2:9

God's Word can no more be chained than God himself.

~ Kent Hughes

I love this so much - God's Word is in no way hampered, hindered or bound by anything imaginable. There is nothing anyone can say or do that binds or chains up what God says. I found myself getting caught up in someone else's assumption of how I was living my life. This person does not live in my house or see my daily battles but decided that his/her idea of what may be happening, because of how it "looks" was the truth. It was disheartening, especially considering who it came from. But then I read these words this morning and realized anew that what God says about me trumps what anyone else says or thinks. And what God calls me to, the people He calls me to fight for, are more valuable in His eyes than anyone's assumptions or opinions.

So here is the unchained truth -

The Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love. ~ Psalm 33:18

You are precious in My eyes, and honored, and I love you. ~ Isaiah 43:4

And one more thing - please don't ever back away from the work God has called you too because of someone else's opinion, judgement, or assumptions. This can become a sinkhole that is hard to get out of and does no one any good, especially not those who need the love of God the most.

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. ~ Ephesians 2:10

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Here's a little of what we've been up to the last couple days -

Monday Chris let the kids try on his fire helmet. They thought it was the coolest thing and tried it on multiple times before it was put away.

Snack time

Finger paint fun

Just enjoying back yard time

Jj is for Jellyfish 🪼 and Joseph and his colorful coat

Another strange thing about happiness is how many people miss appreciating their current joys in life by postponing their happiness until certain conditions are met in the future. Life doesn't work that way.

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