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Writer's picture Rosaline Kaye

Every Day, Every Life a Story - Monday July 31

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

~ Romans 15:4

The early church had nothing but the Old Testament. The New Testament lies hidden in the Old; the Old Testament lies open in the New.

~ Randall Terry

I love stories and I sometimes think that's my preferred way of learning deep truths. From biographies to well written novels that make me think deeply, I crave the stories that make up our lives. Often when I sit on the front porch and see so many people driving by I think of the stories that each one represents. Recently I've been listening to the Old Testament on Audible and the stories touch me deeply. All throughout history God used individuals and revealed Himself through the stories of their lives. And He continues to do so even today. Each of us is a story, a testament if you will, to the love He has for us and wants to share through us with others. Each day is a page in that story and we are co-authors.

What stories are we writing today?

What stories will we write tomorrow?

Michael was on a trip to a youth conference in Florida all last week. I think the kids were very happy to have him back this morning. I think he was still a little tired though.

It was beautiful outside today. After last week being so HOT the cooler temperatures today were a welcome change.

As part of our learning today we talked a lot about feelings - how each of us felt today and how the characters in the books may have felt at different points in the stories. And we watched a few videos about feelings. We also looked at books while listening to music as we got ready for nap time.

We were blessed to have good food today - chicken and rice, green beans and watermelon for lunch, pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, sautéed Brussels sprouts with bacon and onion, and homemade macaroni salad (from our neighbor) for dinner.

"Ha! Eliab, Abigail, the lot of them ... each one is an obstacle I have learned to navigate. Their rejection, their hatred ... are making me strong. Won't it just slay their spirits when they finally discover the truth? It is as though my veins flow with iron. I have learned peace through adversity explicitly because of adversity. I have learned to call on the name of YHWH in any and every circumstance. I so love his law. My greatest joy is full obedience to His will and His way. And so, I live in that peace. It's as natural to me as breathing. "

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